Lose the Weight, and Transform Your Shape
Ready to transform your body and lose weight? Many think they need a personal trainer for motivation, but often, without structure and accountability, old habits return. Enter the énergie Fitness 12-week Shapeshifter Programme, exclusively for Epic members.
Zingy Prawn Tortillas
Indulge in Zingy Prawn Tortillas! With a burst of lime, avocado, and cilantro, these flavorful tortillas are perfect for a light and satisfying meal.
Thai Green Curry Quinoa Risotto
Enjoy a twist on the classic with Thai Green Curry Quinoa Risotto! Bursting with flavor and packed with veggies, this vibrant dish is perfect for a quick and healthy mid-week dinner.
Sweet Potatoes, Kale & Spicy Chickpeas with Almond Dressing
Delight in a vibrant dish of Sweet Potatoes, Kale, and Spicy Chickpeas with Almond Dressing! Bursting with flavor and nutritious goodness, this recipe is perfect for a satisfying and wholesome meal.